Sleep Apnea Treatment – West Hartford, CT
A Simple & Effective Sleep Solution
Do you feel tired throughout the day no matter how much sleep you’ve gotten? Has this exhaustion caused you to almost fall asleep while driving? Does your partner complain about your loud, chronic snoring every single night?
If so, then you may be suffering from sleep apnea, the second most common sleep disorder in the world. At West Hartford Dental Group, Dr. Phadnis is able to provide sleep-deprived patients with a simple and proven solution that can help them start getting the rest they need on the very first night. What is it? Read on to learn more.
Why Choose West Hartford Dental Group for Sleep Apnea Treatment?
- Custom-made sleep appliances
- Able to stop snoring
- Proven alternative to CPAP therapy
What is Sleep Apnea?

Patients with sleep apnea experience brief but frequent stoppages in breathing during sleep. This causes the body to go into “panic mode” and partially wake up to restore normal respiration. As a result, the sleep cycle is constantly interrupted, which prevents a person from getting the deep, restful sleep they need to feel awake and energized the next day. Over time, this can put a severe strain on a person’s quality of life as well as make them much more likely to be in an accident, or suffer a heart attack, or stroke.
Common Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

- Loud snoring almost every night
- Persistent daytime fatigue
- Problems focusing or remembering things (“brain fog”)
- Mood swings/depression
- Trouble with weight gain and/or losing weight
- Waking up with sore throats or headaches
- Waking up gasping for air or out of breath
- Sexual dysfunction
How We Can Help

For most people, sleep apnea is caused by the soft tissues in the mouth and throat relaxing in a way that blocks the airway. To prevent this, our doctors can design a mouthpiece for a patient to wear to bed that slightly re-positions the lower jaw, keeping the airway open and unobstructed all night. This approach is called oral appliance therapy, and it has been shown to improve the sleep quality of 90% of the people who use it regularly. It’s also a great alternative for those who are CPAP intolerant.
To learn more about oral appliance therapy and how it could help you overcome sleep apnea and/or stop snoring, give us a call today.