Sedation Dentistry – West Hartford, CT
Breeze Through Your Next Appointment
We completely understand if you experience uneasiness or even fear when you contemplate the prospect of visiting the dentist. Many people have similar feelings. However, oral care is important, and nothing should hold you back from getting the treatment you need to enjoy a healthy smile. That is why our West Hartford practice is proud to offer sedation dentistry. This provision could help you breeze through your next appointment in a state of calmness and relaxation. Read this page to learn more, and contact us when you are ready to come see our team.
Why Choose West Hartford Dental Group for Sedation Dentistry?
- Highly Skilled & Safety-Conscious Dental Team
- Nitrous Oxide Sedation Is Fast & Effective
- Conquer Your Dental Fear and Anxiety
Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas,” is a colorless, mostly odorless gas that is administered through a mask that we place over a patient’s nose. As soon as you begin to breathe it in, you may start to notice that you feel relaxed or even a little giddy. When your treatment finishes, the effects of the sedation will wear off quickly so you can dive right back into your daily routine.
We can use nitrous oxide for almost any procedure, whether you need an invasive emergency treatment, or you need help to cope with anxiety during more basic services.
Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Most people who are interested in sedation are able to receive it. Here are some indications that it might be right for you:
- You suffer from a degree of dental anxiety or fear.
- You have a sensitive gag reflex.
- You need multiple procedures or extensive treatment in a single appointment.
- You are not easily numbed by local anesthesia.
- You have medical conditions that make it uncomfortable for you to sit in the dental treatment chair for an extended period of time.
- You do not have any serious contraindications for sedation dentistry. For example, it is not always safe for pregnant individuals or those with certain respiratory conditions.