4 Rare Dental Problems (and How to Deal with Them)
October 21, 2022

Most health issues in children are fairly straightforward. If they don’t brush and floss, they can get gum disease and cavities. If a tooth comes out, another one will take its place. But your child could develop complications that you may not have ever heard of. Don’t worry— even if you’re caught off guard by something, your dentist should be able to help. In that spirit, here’s a list of four rare oral health problems, and what an experienced professional could do to solve them.
(more…)How Taking Care of Your Teeth Can Make You Healthier
October 8, 2022

A lot of talk about the importance of dental health focuses on cosmetics. You’re often told that you should brush your teeth because if you don’t, they’ll turn yellow. While that’s certainly true, the necessity of good oral hygiene runs deeper than that. As a matter of fact, taking diligent care of your teeth can strengthen your immune system. Here’s a brief rundown of why that is.