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What Causes Coffee Breath & How Can I Get Rid of It?

June 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — westhartford @ 4:01 pm
Woman drinking a cup of coffee.

Do you love coffee? Does that daily cup (or pot) of Joe give you life and fuel you throughout your day? Many of us enjoy coffee on a regular basis, but the bad breath that it causes can be quite unpleasant for you and those around you. That said, what causes coffee breath and is there anything you can do to get rid of it without giving up your favorite drink? Keep reading to learn more from your dentist in West Hartford.

What Causes Coffee Breath?

When coffee is prepared, the beans are roasted which creates sulfur-containing aroma compounds. Along with the acids that are present in coffee, these compounds can produce bad breath. After all, sulfur is notorious for that “rotten egg” smell! The high acidity of coffee can also imbalance the pH levels inside your mouth, which will encourage bacteria to grow that causes foul breath.

Coffee can also dry out your mouth which reduces your saliva production. Caffeine is partially to blame for this; it contains molecules called tannins, which make your mouth feel dry and parched. Your saliva also helps to wash away harmful and smelly germs and bacteria that grows unchecked when your mouth is too dry. Additionally, many of the additives found in coffee like milk, cream, and sugar can all cause an overgrowth of bacteria inside the mouth. When bacteria consume protein particles, a form of sulfur gas is released which makes your breath stink.

Tips for Getting Rid of Coffee Breath

Fortunately, you don’t have to give up coffee entirely to avoid coffee breath. Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Brush your teeth immediately after drinking coffee, ideally within half an hour.
  • Use a sugar-free breath mint or cough drop after consuming coffee.
  • Chew sugarless gum or fresh, raw parsley.
  • Gargle with mouthwash or drink a glass of water.
  • Consider drinking black roasted coffee with sugarless alternatives—this may not entirely eliminate your coffee breath but can lessen its intensity!

If you’re a regular coffee fiend, it would be tragic to give up the drink entirely just to stave off bad breath. That said, knowing what causes coffee breath and taking steps to reduce or eliminate it will allow you to continue enjoying your favorite beverage without the associated stinky breath.

About the Practice

West Hartford Dental Group serves the dental needs of the West Hartford area under the leadership of Dr. Ukti Phadnis and Dr. Vance Harper! Both Dr. Phadnis and Dr. Harper share a passion for providing an elite level of dental care, and their practice is pleased to offer several available services including preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry. If you have any questions about the article or would like to schedule a visit, feel free to reach out online or by phone: (860) 236-4249.

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